When it comes to reviewing makeup products as a Youtuber or Blogger, it wouldn't be unfair to say I'm a little odd. Even though they are popular and fun to watch, you're unlikely to find me doing a First Impressions video.
Here's the thing, we've all purchased something, thought it was great only to find its flaws a few days (or sometimes hours) later. So with that in mind when I do a review I tend to 'road test' something for at the very least a few days, and probably more likely an entire week. And I do all sorts of tests, really putting items through their paces!

Technic Cosmetics reached out to me back in late December asking if I would be interested in collaborating with them, reviewing their products. Unbeknown to them at the time, I set out to discover more about them, their company ethos, and did other YouTubers have free reign to be honest? You see I'm relatively new to the whole collab thing having only done a few previously, and whilst I'm always keen to do a great job for the brand in question, I will never sell my honesty either for products or payment. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Technic are pretty active on YouTube, regularly commenting on videos featuring their items, and they dont censor anyone, including those who have recieved PR samples. Furthermore they were open to feedback, good or bad. This in my opinion is an AWESOME attitude for a company to have (many could learn a thing or two from them) and I thought - Yes, sign me up!
Doing a little bit of research on their products, I was super intrigued by their Metalix Eyeshadow Creams. Over on YouTube people went crazy for the Stila Liquid Eyeshadows, but they are pretty pricey (£23 each) and whilst these are more metallic than glittery, in my mind I was thinking these are potentially the perfect bargain alternative! I knew my subscribers would be interested in something so affordable so I asked Technic if they would be happy for me to review the entire collection.
They sent over 4 of the range and I was instantly impressed, I quickly jumped on eBay and ordered the remaining 2 to be able to showcase the entire collection of 6 shades - Halo, Champagne for Everyone, Rosie Posie, Taupe Be, Plum Pudding and Brandy Snap. I picked these up for less than £3 each delivered - super affordable!
Over the next week I did a mountain of tests, how many layers can you apply before they start flaking? Do they work without primer? How long will they last? (I even wore them on the back of my hand whilst I slept to test wear time - yes I'm crazy!)

Here's the breakdown:
Wear time is really pretty good, I wore several of these all day at work and after a good 8 hours were still in tact and looked nice. The more layers you put on, the wear time is reduced, adding many layers increased the risk of flaking. I recommend just one nice even layer, and spread with a small flat brush to get it even. Whilst on the back of your hand it may look brighter adding layer after layer, it doesn't make a real noticeable difference on the eye. Also, I recommend priming the eyelids before applying, especially if you have somewhat oily lids like me, as oil will break down the product and increase fading throughout the day.
They dry down relatively quickly, but not instantly so you have time to quickly blend the edges into a transition colour to give a more seamless look. One big tip - if you have hooded eyes keep your eyes closed, or at least be looking down until you are confident it's dry or you will get transfer. The flip side to this is once its dry there is zero transfer, something I absolutely LOVE about these!
The two darkest shades (Plum Pudding & Brandy Snap) will cause a bit of staining to the skin. It's not overly long lasting, and I found it wasn't really a problem if I had laid a primer down first, but worth bearing in mind if you are swatching on the back of your hand with no primer to show a friend or whatever!
Overall, I think these are a great little buy for the money! Thanks for introducing me to them Technic!